Friday, November 16, 2018


I am tired

     I had something everyday this week, sometimes two things. Doctor visits, volunteer duties, rehearsal, meeting, zoo day
     Now I am tired.  And I am getting a cold.
     I stopped for a coffee at the big name place.
     They make a special drink that is loaded with Vitamin C for those people with colds.  I can never remember the name.
     So I ordered a Bomb.  The Pretty Young Thing behind the counter said if I described it, they could probably make it.  So I said it had honey, tea, green tea, lemonade and was great for a cold.  She said, "Oh, the Medicine Ball."  I was close.  It had a B in it.
     So I got one.  And I got a peppermint white chocolate thingy too. 
     And surprise, I made it all the way home without stopping!
     The downside is, I am tired....but a little caffeinated up right now.  My eyes want to close, but my body wants to dance.
     And my hands are killing me....they are so dry!
     But wine and pizza with Jackie and SK was a great way to end the week.
     Tomorrow I hope to hang some lights......if I can find the bushes under the snow.
     Till then, peace and hope to all.
     By the way....long before expressions like LOL, or BTW, or IMHO,  TWTWTW was a hit on the telly.  Anybody remember that show?

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