Sunday, November 18, 2018

day two

My cold is holding on

     Thanks for all the good wishes.
     I went to church today to share my malady with others......I just hope I did not contaminate anyone.
     In the old days, I would have come hone, picked up my Chicago Tribune, sat in my chair, made a cup of hot something, snuggled under a blanket and read the paper until I fell asleep.
     Now days, I have to read it on the computer.  Hard to nap that way.
     Emily and John came over for a visit and brought gifts.  They have been in the world of Disney for the past few days.  I have a new hat and a new Hawaiian shirt, both decorated with a little  mouse.  Jackie has a new top, also with a Disney theme.
     I watched a movie on Netflix....Ballad of Lester Scruggs?  Don't remember the actual title.
     I was highly entertained. 
     Now I have finished watching the Bears win and sipping a hot toddy, with not as much lemon juice as yesterday.  But I am out of honey, honey.
     Again, thanks for all the good wishes......I do hate colds!
     Honestly, I am a big baby about not feeling well too.

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