Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Life is a series of adjustments

     I had my hearing aids adjusted today.  Nothing major, just a two week check up to see how I am getting along.
     I told the doctor I hated them.
     "Can you hear better?" she asked.  I said yes.
     "Do they bother your ears?" she asked.  I said no.
     So...what's the problem?  I just don't like the daily reminder that I am getting old.
     What's next to go?  Vision??  Memory??  Touch??  Smell??  Actually, some of those may already be gone.  I would say I still smell, but some of you (Doug) will take that the wrong way.
     Another reminder.  I used to be able to cut my toe nails.  No problem.  Now, I can't seem to bend past my waist.
     So now we get pedicures.
     The feet actually feel pretty darn good right now.
     Maybe I should get the rest of me massaged!
     Happy dreams to you all.

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