Monday, November 12, 2018

not much

Kind of a quiet night

     Had a long day today.  I had to take Dita, Emily and John's sick dog, to the vet again.
     She was bleeding internally and there was nothing that could be done.  So I stayed by her side as she crossed over the rainbow.
     It's the worst moment in a pet owner's life.
     But at least she is not could tell she was in pain.
     The sadness was off set by the happiness of having our young friend Sam visit us after school.
     I even got to pick her up! 
    We played blocks, and I enjoy that.  But I realize the day will come when she no longer wants to play on the floor.  She'll be driving before you know it.
Funny....I will be in my 80s when that happens!
     I also visited third graders at Steward School and handed out dictionaries as part of a Rotary project.  Nice bunch of boys and girls.
     Vet my heart aches for Emily and John.  I know they love those dogs so much. 
    Good night....sleep tight  Hug your pets.  And your children.

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