Tuesday, November 20, 2018

'bout time

After 4 days, feeling better

    Maybe it is the hot toddy talking.  Say that fast four times.
    Tonight I did whiskey, water and honey.  A generous serving of whiskey, I might add.
     Jackie uses some for making sweet potato pie, but we may run out before  Christmas if this cold hangs on!  Boy, it tasted good tonight.
     I have slept in my chair a lot.  I also finished reading a book called Mrs. O'Leary's Fire.  I had a hard tine getting into it because the author talked about comets. 
     His theory is a comet, not a cow,  caused the huge fire in Chicago, Peshtigo Wisconsin, and in Michigan.
     It's an interesting read, considering the events in California this past month or so.
     First person accounts were used in describing the Chicago blaze and one particular aspect really interested me. 
     There was widespread looting of stores, warehouses, and homes during the inferno! Anything not tied down was fair game as thieves made off with clothing, alcohol, furniture, art work......just about anything they could grab.
     I always thought looting was a crime of our time, but I guess not.
     As always, the end of the book led me to the computer to find out more and I went to the Chicago History Museum site which has really neat interactive maps of the town before the fire.
     When I was a kid, it was the Chicago Historical Society and I spent many afternoons there, wandering the building and looking at the displays.  The dioramas of the fire always fascinated me.
     So...feeling better, getting more sleep,  not pushing it.....hoping to be much better for Thanksgiving and turkey!
     Sleep well, my friends.

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