Saturday, November 10, 2018

A day in the life....

I love the Beatles

     I love listening to them in the car.
    Which has nothing to do with my little homily today.  OK, homily is  to exact a word.  Discourse.
     I went to buy apples.
     You may know we had this:

      There was about 3 inches.  I liked the pattern my lawn mowing left.
     Anyway, that's a digression.
     I went to buy apples in Malta.  They are almost done for the season.  I figured I better get some apples, and caramel apples, and doughnuts, and cider.
     This is what I came across:

     I know!!  A partially snow covered road!  It's not even mid November, but the gales of November were early!  Notice there is no vegetation along this part of the road, but where there is vegetation, no snow.  Coincidence?  Or Conspiracy??
     But wait, that is not all.  When I was leaving the apple place, this was parked next to me.

     One of the heads appears to be severed!
     This person took the  'better get ahead"  philosophy too strongly.
     Just another day in the life.
     Good night, sweet dreams. 

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