Friday, November 23, 2018

still hanging on

This cold won't quit

     I felt ok today, but I have a cough that just keeps going.  It's like an Energizer Bunny of the cold world.
     It's worse late evening and during the night.  Last night I did get a pretty good sleep, despite being arrested and put on Facebook for shoplifting at the university book store.  That woke me up about 2:30, but I did go back to sleep.
     I smother my chest in Vick's.....and quietly sing soft kitty to myself, but that does not seem to help for long.
     Today I put most of the yard stuff away in anticipation of the Great November 25 Blizzard.
     We will be talking about this one for years.  I have seen forecasts calling for flurries to 6 inches........and heavens knows how accurate any of them are. 
     The plan is to get our live tree tomorrow.  Hopefully we can do that in dry conditions, and do it quickly.
     One year Jackie and I went to get a tree.  It must have been 20 below with a windchill of -80.  The wind was howling.  I found a tree that looked great, despite the gigantic snow drift that surrounded it.
     Kneeling in the three foot deep snow, I used the very dull saw to cut that 8 foot beauty down.
     Now, Jackie was in the car almost the entire time.  She could walk well at this point, but it was too cold for her.  It was alright for me to be in the 40 below temps, with the -120 windchill,  blowing snow beating in my face, because she was sitting in the car with the heater on high.
     Anyway, I cut the tree and loaded it into the van.
     It must have been really cold, much colder than the 50 below readings, because in the heat of the house that 8 foot beauty shrank to about 5 feet.  It was almost a rectangle.
     I think in my frozen state I just cut a tree.  It may have looked good in the field, but I may have been hallucinating due to the cold.
     Hopefully this year's will be another winner.  At least it will be a little warmer.
     Now, I have to go Vapo Rub up.  Good night.

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