Thursday, November 15, 2018

that was work

We taught Corki to give paw

     Let me explain.
    We have had Corki for three years.  She was a rescue dog, brought up from Selma, Alabama, where she was rescued from a kill shelter.
     She's a great dog.  We think she is now about eight years old..  We don't know why the owners gave her up.  Perhaps they became too old to care for her, or they tired of her, or lost a home due to fire or flood, maybe they even died.
     She can sit.  She sometimes stays on command, but not often.  She usually comes on command.  Usually.
     We have been working on paw for six months.  Tonight, for the first time, she gave paw without being prompted by a tap on the front paw!  Yes, treats were involved, but just having her do it is amazing.
     That opens up a whole new world to old dogs doing new tricks!
     Can I learn to play piano or guitar?  Can I learn to speak French?
     Will the quarter behind your ear trick  become a reality?
     Can I learn not to salt food excessively?
     Old dogs can learn new tricks.
     Now I have to get to work on mine.
     Au revoir!  A bientot!

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