Thursday, November 22, 2018

that was nice

I had a great Thanksgiving

     We talked to Julia.  Julia was born on a Nov. 22.  It was a Sunday, and the Bears were playing.....maybe San Francisco?
     Anyway, we went to the same doctor that delivered Jackie.  Dr. Friedman.  Really nice man.  Older guy, at that point.  Bears fan.  Had season tickets.
     Julia was born just before halftime, and the good doctor gave us the lowdown as he hurried out to catch the second half.
     The Bears played at Wrigley Field then, so we were only a few blocks from the game.
     Julia was not an easy delivery.  She was not centered properly.  A second doctor in the delivery room helped with the birth, using a forceps to gently move her into the correct position.
     When the nurse brought her out to me, she was wrapped in a towel.  I looked in and saw a little baby covered in brown, slime, and with huge red marks all over her head!
     Isn't she beautiful?  the nurse asked.  I almost ran.
     They took her away and cleaned her up.  Seems she had a bowel movement during the delivery process.  When they brought her back she was absolutely adorable.
     Jackie and I had an interesting conversation about her name.  Today, we have no idea why Julia.  No one in the family was named that, we did not have any relatives with that name.  Now maybe it's coincidence, but Julia is the name of one of the songs on the Beatles White album.  I love that album.  Coincidence?? 
    So today was a triple for us:  Julia's birthday, Thanksgiving, and Bears football!
     John and Emily prepped the turkey and made mashed potatoes and an appetizer, Judy brought taffy apple salad, Amy brought corn casserole and deviled eggs, Sandy brought a vegetable tray and we only had to do a pie, green bean casserole, and a sweet potato pie.
     Clean up was a breeze; almost everything went in the dishwasher.
     All in all, it was a great day for food, family and friends.
     And that my friends, is something I am thankful for.
     Good night, and God bless.

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