Friday, November 2, 2018

double drat

I get soooo frustrated

     I get confused by numbers.  Very confused.  Specifically dates. I forget dates, transpose dates, remember dates incorrectly.
     I had a zoo day today.
     I told Jackie that I would be home late because I was going to stop at Morton Arboretum and look for trolls while trolls were still there.
     And I was going to pick up some groceries.
     Then I got a text that said:  Do you want to go out to eat before the show?
     I figured Emily texted me instead of John, so I answered, Think Floyd? 
     Think Floyd is a Pink Floyd tribute band playing at the Egyptian Theater in DeKalb tonight (Friday).
     I didn't hear back, so I decided to call.
     It seems a couple of months ago she asked if I wanted to see Craig Ferguson at the Paramount Theater in Aurora.  I said yes. 
     But I did not write down the date.
     You got it.......
     I had a great time with Emily and John watching Ferguson.  He is funny, very funny.
   So....good meal out at at Irish pub where the girls wore very short kilts, (we had a male kilt) a zoo day, and a fun show.
     Not bad for not having any clue about what was going on, huh?
     Couple of pictures for the day.

Paper wasp nest on the next block

You decide

Corki sat right under Jackie, hoping for a carrot!

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