Friday, November 9, 2018

who you?

Add names to  my can't keep straight list

     Saw an old friend last week and said, "Sandy, how are you doing."  She said, "Fine.  I'm Helen."
     I knew she was Helen!  I have called her Helen every tine I see her.  I know her daughter got married on a beach in the Caribbean, her husband passed away a year ago, and she used to volunteer on Fridays but she went to work and had to move her volunteer day to Thursday.
     But I called her Sandy.
     I only know one Sandy, and I went to grade school and high school with her!       That was a while ago.
     Is it a disease?  A mental conditon?  Laziness??
     I forget names, reverse numbers, and lately if there are four similar products on the shelf, I can't find the right one!
     Damn, aging is not fun.
     So, if I called you the wrong name within the past week, and I know I did one person because I called him by his brother's name, even though I knew he was not his brother, I apologize.
     Life would be so much easier for me if everyone was named George and Martha.
     But somehow I think I would mess that up too.
     Maybe sleep will improve my ability to distinguish between people.
     But I doubt that too.
     By the way, as I write this it is 17 degrees.  17.  Nov. 9.   Could be a long winter.
     Time for the winter blanket.  Nov. 9!!!!

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