Monday, November 5, 2018

where in the hell is it?

I know I am getting forgetful....

     I forget where I put things.  Glasses, car keys, sometimes the car itself.
     But my computer printer?
     Can't find it.
     Well, that's not exactly true.  I mean, I can see it....but I can't find it.
     Hit print....can't find.
     It was fine a week ago.  Printed like crazy.
     We never touch the settings.  Never.  NEVER!!!
     I know touching the settings involves reading directions and following steps, something I have become adverse to in my doddering years. 
     Not to be a nattering nabob of negativity, but it confuses me.
     Lots of things confuse me, computers being high on the list.
     Why do things disappear overnight?  Where do they go? 
     And why does Corki fart at night?  Last night, or more accurately, very early this morning, I was awakened by a smell that was so terrible if almost gagged me.
     It lingered, like a cloud of radioactive gas, turning my stomach and forcing me to breath through a pillow.
     It seemed to float in the air for a long time.
     I even got up to look around, thinking she may have had an accident.....but nope, just her silent salute to pollution.
     Maybe tonight she will sleep on the floor on Jackie's side of the bed.  On second thought, that will somehow still become my problem.
     Sleep tight.  Don't let the dog farts wake you.

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