Sunday, November 11, 2018

ooops.....wrong turn

Today started out fine

     But then the alarm went off at 7:30 and it all seemed to go south from there.
And I don't mean south, where it is warm, palm trees are gently swaying in the wind, and a certain mouse is greeting people.
     I mean south as in..... well, here's my tale.
     Emily  texted me about 7:30.  They were going away, but one of the  dogs seemed to have a bathroom issue.  I was asked to take her to the vet either today or tomorrow.
     I made the decision to take her to the emergency vet in Rockford after church.
     Usually we go to Aurora, but with the construction on I-88 the drive can be intolerably long.
     So off to Rockford I went.
     I noticed Dita, dog in question, peed bright red before getting in the vehicle.
She did it again at the clinic.  Again when she was walked by a tech, hoping to get a urine sample.
     I feared the worst.
     But all ended up ok.  She has a bladder infection.  A shot and some antibiotics should have her back to normal in a couple of days.
     It was a busy place.  At least one family left in tears, without their dog.  Another couple were having a discussion about the cost of pet care, plus food, plus vet bills, and why do we even have a dog when I have trouble paying for the truck.  Her reply was because it's my dog and your truck.  Discussion ended at that point.
     Another family was in to visit a dog that has been there a couple of days and won't go home until tomorrow.  Another dog ate a packet of something and was sick.  They were calling pet poison control to see if the contents were toxic.
     I left with Dita feeling relieved and happy.
     She will be ok, the Bears won, and I got to see a beautiful sunset.

“Day is done, Gone the sun,
From the lake, From the hill,
From the sky.
All is well, Safely rest,
God is nigh.”
     Happy Veterans' Day....a belated thank you for your service.

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