Sunday, September 30, 2018

supper? super

I look forward to specific meals

     For instance, if I know we are going to have hamburgers, I can't wait to cook  them and eat them.
     I had a taste for meat loaf today.  The meat, not the musician.
     I took a pound of ground beef out and put it on defrost.  About halfway through the cycle it beeped, meaning turn me over.  So I did.  Then I hit the wrong button and started the entire process over.
     When it was done, I discovered I had partially cooked the beef.  Not only that, but there was no way it was going to mold into a meat loaf.
     So Jackie made Shepard's Pie, which I also love.
     Usually we put peas and carrots in the pie, but someone used the last of the peas and carrots, so we had to add frozen mixed vegetables.  Now we have a little corn and various beans in the pie.
     It was actually pretty good.
     Until I get back to Headon's, we won't have meat loaf because I am out of ground beef.
     Now I have a hankering for breaded pork tenderloins.......
     I like to know at 8 a.m. what I am having at 6 p.m.  Just call me weird, but it is the anticipation I enjoy.
     But I know we don't have any pork tenderloins either....I'll have to go through the freezer to find something good.
    Until I do, I  will have to be content to dream about food.
     Happy dreams, good foods ahead tomorrow.  And a Cub win!!

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