Saturday, September 1, 2018

easy peasy

My lawnmower stinks

     Literally, not figuratively.
     I had a lot of grass build up on it.  I tried hosing it off.  The wet grass seemed to begin fermenting....hence the strong smell in the garage the past two days.
     And the smell attracted flies.....lots of them.
     So today I got up my power washer and attempted to clean off the mower.
     Easier said than thought.
     Grass was wedged up under two coverings, and I could not spray it out.
     So I had to remove the covers and spray the heck out of the jams.  I used my hands, a screwdriver, and my own self made tool used to clean out my vacuum filter to pry out all the grass.  Then I sprayed it again.
     And I sprayed the garage floor, where puddles had formed that seemed to attract flies.
     Now my garage smells better.  Hopefully the flies will go away and hopefully the mower will operate better.
     In the meantime I am left to contemplate why I have a bloody eye......perhaps I rubbed it too hard today, or maybe something got in it when I was spraying.
     It doesn't hurt, just looks weird.
     And that's the news that's fit to print......

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