Monday, September 10, 2018

well, that was special!

I was a hesitant volunteer today

     And ended up loving it!
     Rotary was staffing a welcome tent at the skydiving championships being held at our local airport, which is home to Chicagoland Skydiving Center.
     Hundreds of skydivers come from around the world to compete in this event.       Although it is an annual meet, it is being held in Rochelle for the first time.
     I did not know what to expect.  I figured a couple of people would come over for some water.  Maybe grab a snack.
     But it was amazing.  They did come for water.  And a snack.  And I met a lot of really neat people.
     One group was from Brazil.  Another large contingent was from California.  One woman said she was leaving tomorrow because her home was in the path of the hurricane and she has solar panels on her roof she wants to secure.  One girl quit her job and has spent the summer in Rochelle.  She has 500 jumps under her belt!
    The hospitality tent did that...offered hospitality.
     Hospital people were there with first aid kits and sunscreen.  A local chiropractor had someone there offering free messages and she was kept busy the entire 2 and a half hours Jackie and I were there.
     In between talking, I tried to watch the skies but it was hard to see the formations....but they are shown on a tv in the hangar for everyone to see.  It was just amazing to watch 20 or so parachutes land on the grass right in front of us.
     I'm going back Wednesday to be in the hospitality tent again. 
     The energy the divers have, the love for their sport, their love for each other showed time and time again today.
    It was a pretty cool day.
    I often watch young people and think, "I wish I could do that."
    I admire the divers, but I could never do what they do....once, twice or 500 times.
    Now it's time to check out my terra firma mattress!!
   Good night.....hope for a great tomorrow.

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