Monday, September 17, 2018


I may have a memory problem

     Plus I am cheap.
     When something goes on sale, I tend to stock up.
     A grocery store in Sycamore had some New York strip steaks on sale so I bought some.
      I wrapped them and put them in freezer bags and found out I have enough steaks for us to eat about 10 times.........I wish I had remembered the ones I bought at Headon's before I bought these.
      And I went on a bike ride today.  Got in a little over 14 miles, but in the heat it felt like 70.  At the end I felt really good and could have ridden more. That's important because Saturday I am doing the 35 mile portion of the Tour of Scenic Ogle County, and I am a little nervous that I won't be able to do all 35 miles.  We'll see.
     Anyway, I told Jackie to text me if she wanted anything from the store.
     Then I went to the store and never looked at my phone.  I got half way home and called her to tell her I was on my way and she asked me if I got her message.  Oops.
     I swear, technology is going to be the end of me.
     Luddites exist for a reason.
     Good night, America.  Stay vigilant!

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