Wednesday, September 12, 2018

dog gone it

We discovered something about Corki

     We were cooking yesterday.  Jackie has a recipe for a really tasty chicken salad type dish.
     You take a chicken breast, cut it, pound the living hell out of it until it is flat, fry it, then bury it under a mixture of Romain, shallot, fennel, and a sauce made with white wine vinegar.
     Our problem was in the carrying out of the plan.
     When we made it before, it seemed fairly simple.
     But his time, I bought a package of two chicken breasts, which turned out to be three, and when I cut them in half they were still pretty big.
     Whatever, we decided to cook all the chicken.  Put it in a skillet on the stove, put the flame on medium, set the timer for four minutes.
     I took those off, and they were not as brown as I would like.  So for the second batch, I set the timer for six minutes.  I did not know she was thinking like me, and turned the flame up.
     At about the 5 minute mark, the first smoke detector went off....then all hell broke loose.
     Smoke detectors blaring, Corki started running through the house.  She went into the bedroom and was trying to get under the bed.
     Meanwhile I was opening doors, turning on fans, turning down the heat, and trying to find the dog.
     She was partly under the bed when I grabbed her and just held her.  She was almost insane with fear.  I had never seen that in her.
     Eventually all became quiet and we returned to normal.
     But I wonder:  Was it just the noise?  Was she in a house that had a fire and that's why she was abandoned?  Do high pitches hurt her more than normal noises?
     Unless she learns to speak English, I guess we will never know.
     Dinner was delicious, by the way.  We are having it again Thursday.  After all, the chicken is already cooked!

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