Monday, October 1, 2018


Why do I stay up late?

     I like listening to Echos on my local public radio station.  It comes on at 10 and goes until midnight, with some of the coolest music I have ever heard.
     Artists I don't know, songs I have never heard.
     And it is a quiet, mood enhancing, soothing way to end the day.
     Sometimes I listen until BBC news comes on at midnight, but most of the time I tune out about 11:15.  I just really like the music.
     For instance, tonight the soft tunes are playing against a backdrop of thunder and rain.....creating quite an evocative mood.  I can almost enjoy it over the ringing in my ears.
     Because of the lateness, I tend to get up about 8.  I then read the paper on line and check e mail and Facebook.
     Saturday I was reading the Trib, in my pajamas, when there was a knock at the door.
     I looked out and saw two nicely dressed women with pamphlets in their hands.
     I opened the door and all hell broke loose!
     I forgot to turn off the alarm.  Things are beeping, Corki has started barking, I am running through the house, Jackie is yelling......
    I turned off the alarm and went back to the door, and opened it.
     There I sticking up all over the place, my pajamas on  (I did not think to see if they were buttoned shut.) Corki still barking.
     The one lady said, seriously, "We hope we didn't disturb you."
     I quickly replied, "No, it's always like this when I sit down in my pajamas to have a cup of tea and read the paper and we are not interested in what you have to say or thanks, and have a nice day."
     And I shut the door.
     If someone had recorded the whole event it would be an Internet smash.
     David Arkinstone music is playing.....mellow.  Calming.
     Time to look at pictures.
     Good night.

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