Monday, September 24, 2018

mob action

I was savagely attacked today

      I had just gotten out of my car and I was surrounded by them.  They came at me from the left, the right.  In front of me.  Behind me.  I tried to fight them off, but it was hard.
     I was bitten several times...on the hand, neck, arm............. and now they itch.
     Damn mosquitoes!
     What was I doing?
     Collecting hedge apples.

     No, it is not an asteroid headed for's a hedge apple.
     Also called Osage Orange, horse apple, green brains, mock orange or my personal favorite, monkey balls.
     The fruits are about baseball size, although they do get larger.
      I love them as a fall decoration, but finding them is a pain. 
     Years ago we found a line of Osage Orange trees and have visited that several times over the years to pick up the fruits.
     The hedge apples don't seem to have any use.  They are not eaten by any animal.  Some people have unproven claims that they repel spiders, cure cancer, and a bunch of other weird things.
     I like them because they are just weird looking.
     I used to bring them into class and tell kids they were brains, but no one believed me.
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find some anti-itch lotion. 
     Good night.

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