Friday, September 7, 2018

delays, delays, delays

The weather sure has changed

     I don't think I saw the sun at all today.  Just seems to have disappeared.
     When I looked outside at 7, it was dark!  When did that start?
     And yesterday wasn't that much better....I don't think.
     At least the heat is gone. 
     But the poor Cubs!  They are in a rain delay and the radar doesn't look promising for the weekend.  Wonder what happens.
     I had a flashback to Europe today.
     I was in LaGrange on my way home from the zoo.  I had some time to kill, so        I wandered up and down the main streets.
     I was amazed at the number of small shops and small restaurants.....Thai, American, Italian, Indian.... all of them were there just waiting for customers.
     I watched an Amtrak train roll through downtown and three Metra trains....just like in Europe.
     But I also counted 7 empty stores.  It's a problem all across Illinois, town after town....businesses are struggling.
     In other developments...there was a car crash, so the main street was blocked off.
     And I found an alley with some interesting art.
     I also ordered a coffee that I could not stand....and replaced it.  I was told that when this major chain makes a coffee the customer does not like, they will replace it free because....."we want our customers to be happy and come back."
     Even if it was my mistake?  Doesn't matter.  Replaced.
     That's why I own some of their stock.
     Some photos to end the day.

He was hoppy to see me!

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