Sunday, September 9, 2018

sign, sign, everywhere a sign

I had one of those days

     Got to church, realize I did not put Jackie's purse in the car before we left.  It was sitting in the garage.
     At the store, someone told me we needed crunchy peanut butter.  So I bought two jars.  Of creamy.  We now have 3 jars of creamy, but none of crunchy.
     Went to ride my bike to free my mind and discovered a very flat rear tire on the bike.  I can't change that tire.  No ride, plus a trip to the bike shop for new tires.
     Then I was reading the Tribune on line and ran across an article on losing weight.
     Dr. Oz, he of TV fame, says fasting is a good way to lose.  He suggested not eating anything for 12 hours a day.  According to him, it will result in weight loss and a reduction in the size of the bulging stomach.
     He said any 12 hour period works.  So from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., I am not eating anything.  I can drink coffee, tea or water, but without sugar, anytime and in fact, he suggests a cup in the morning as soon as you wake up because it will kill hunger.
     Let it be known:  I have now gone 2 hours, 25 minutes without eating and I am freaking starving!
     I watched the last part of the Bears loss not eating anything, much less crow after I may have said something about the Packers and how they appeared to be mimicking a vacuum cleaner in the first half.  I should have known better.  (with a girl like you.  That I would love everything that you do.  And I I want to listen to the Beatles.) a few weeks I should have a smaller stomach and weigh less.  Plus, I'll have new tires and lots of creamy peanut butter.
     Until we meet again, my friend.....

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