Friday, September 21, 2018

life's a fog

I had a retina check up today

     A few years ago I had a scare about going blind and Emily said not to panic, but see a specialist.  So I did.  Turned out, I was not going blind.
     But to keep track of my eye health, I generally go about every 4 months for a retina scan and today was the day.
     They dilate my eyes.  Everything is extremely bright, so Jackie had to drive while I do my best to not look.  We have different driving styles.  Suffice it to say, I would never have decided to drive straight at the construction barrels, but she realized her error and corrected in time to avoid them. 
     My hands were cramped from the drive home.
     And I don't have to go back for 6 months because nothing has changed, except I seem to be seeing better at close range.  Go figure.
     So when I got home, with my dilated eyes and cramped fingers, I attempted to load my pass for tomorrow's bike ride to my phone.
     There's this thing called a wallet on my phone.  Did not know that.  I can download passes and tickets to it.  I did know that, just did not know how to do it.
     So there I am, squinting at the computer screen, trying to scan the coupon to the phone and I keep getting messages that tell me A:  I can't do it.  B:  I already did it.
     At this point, after about 40 minutes, I start looking for a hammer or other heavy object to solve my phone problem.  But reason prevails.
     Emily eventually tells me how to print the coupon.  I did not know how to do that either.
     I also went to the local high school play "Almost, Maine."  Nice series of scenes dealing with love and rejection and love again. 
     Three people came in after it started, sat in front of me, and commenced eating pretzels and talking about the show. 
     I have to really listen hard to hear....and all I heard was mastication.  They were told at intermission that no food was allowed in the theater.
     But seriously, if you live in the area, go check out "Almost, Maine."  The kids will appreciate it.
     Now, I have to get rest for the ride tomorrow.
     32 miles....can I do it?? 
     Stay tuned.

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