Wednesday, September 26, 2018

rip van winkle?

I just lost two days

     I woke up with a migraine Tuesday.  I got up at 7:30, but realized I could not do my volunteer time at school, so I called in sick.  Then I sat in my chair in the den.
     At noon, the phone rang and it was my Rotary one had a key to our cabinet and they wondered if I was coming.  But I was not, so I went back to the chair and woke up at 5!
     I ate a little, watched the Cubs ... but after the fifth, I went to bed and thankfully don't remember the rest of the game.
     Wednesday was a little better.  I cancelled lunch plans with my brother and sisters in law because I did not feel comfortable driving to Madison.  Then I went back to the chair and slept until noon again. 
     About 4 I felt  better.  Not great, but better.
     We went and got supper, and here I am, wide awake at 11 p.m.
     I watched most of the Cub game, but got a little pissed off at the top of the ninth.  I did watch the winning hit. 
     But I have lost two days!  I did nothing!!  No biking, no crossword puzzle, no planting the mums I bought, no hosing down the mower.....nothing.
     Hopefully tomorrow I can get some of that done.
     Now, a couple of ibuprofen and it's off to bed.
     I really don't like migraines!!

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