Saturday, September 8, 2018

my thoughts exactly

I had an interesting conversation Friday

     A fellow volunteer and I were talking about The Beatles.
     Turns out, she is a Beatles fan, as is her daughter and her little niece.
     Her little niece seems to know more about The Beatles than I do.
     Anyway, OP (other person to protect privacy) said she went to walk down Penny Lane in Liverpool.
     I think I turned green.
     She then told me as a Beatles fan, I had to do that!
     Paul did a segment of Carpool Karaoke where they went back to his home, and a pub, and I was fascinated.  Just can actually go in to Paul    McCartney's boyhood home, where he wrote music with John!!
     And the barber shop, where a customer is waiting for a shave!  And maybe a fireman will rush in!  In the pouring rain!!
     So, I have added a trip to my bucket list. 
     I now have 27 things to do on my list.
     But whose counting???
    Wondering if there is a way to combine Buffett in Paris, The Beatles and polar bears in one trip...........
I'll just have to dream about it. 
And I am getting an early start on that tonight!
Hope your tomorrow is sunny!

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