Monday, September 3, 2018

star date 2950

Waht a wonderful world

     Sometimes I wish I could time travel.
     Wouldn't it be neat to go into the future and see what the world is like?
     I used to watch the Jetsons, with their flying cars and futuristic appliances.  Some of that has come true.   Dick Tracy, has a wrist watch, which is basically an Apple watch, and he has had it for years.  Cars that drive themselves?  Science fiction coming true.
     There was an Andy Griffith episode where a big city businessman travelling through Mayberry had car trouble.  He used a car phone to call for help!  That was 40 years ago, at least!  It was a big car phone, but a car phone none the less.
     Would me in the future be in awe of what life was like, much like a 90 year old might be in awe of what the world is today?
     Someone who is 80 has seen a world war where hundreds of millions of people died.  They have seen presidents assassinated, impeached, and quitting during a term.  They have watched the tv industry expand from 3 or 4 channels to 400 channels.  Phones that are computers, cars that drive themselves, robotic vacuums and lawn mowers, cell phones, space travel, a man on the moon.... the list could go on and on.
     I'd love the chance to go into the future and just look around.
     Who knows, I might learn of a stock that is just a couple of bucks in 2018 but in 2025 is worth thousands per share, like Apple at one time.  Or find they have cured cancer.  And MS.  And are willing to send those cures back to present day with me.
     Just been thinking about that tonight.
     That's it.

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