Thursday, September 27, 2018

squeeze that nickel

I don't consider myself cheap

     But I do love a bargain.
     For example, tea bags.  If you go to the store to by decaffeinated bags it is about $5 for a box of 50.
     But once in a while, a large chain store pharmacy has them on sale for $2.99.  So I buy a couple.
     That same chain will have V-8 juice on sale for 2 for $5, while the normal price is $3.29 a bottle.  So I will buy two or four, depending on how many we have.
     A couple of months ago a large box store had a specific brand of  canned pineapple on sale for 50 cents, so I bought 12.  Normally, they are $1 on up.   Jackie likes that pineapple.  She has it for lunch, so we go through a lot.
     Imagine my shock when I saw the price was now $1.48 in a grocery store.  So when I saw the same product for 75 cents at the big box store, I bought 6 cans.
     When the lady ran it through the scanner, it came up $1.48.  I said the price is clearly marked on the shelf.  So I went back with a floor manager and yep, all that brand is marked 75 cents.
     That was a week ago.
     Today I went back in and noticed the price was still 75 cents on the shelf.  So I got 8 cans.  When they scanned at $1.48 I said the shelf is marked 75 cents for all the products of this brand.  They checked.  Yup.  Got it for 75 cents a can.
     I don't think that is cheating, is it?  They have it marked on the shelf that price, which is the price they should be selling it for.  If that is not the correct price, they had a week to change it and did not. 
     And yes, if it was the other way around, I do also tell them.  Almost every time that happens, the clerk says, "Oh well, you got a bargain today."
     Next week I will go back and get 10 cans.  If it is 75 cents.
     I wonder how many people saw that price and thought it was great, then bought it, only to be charged $1.48 and they didn't notice.
     Like I said, I am not cheap, but I like a good bargain.
     And I am feeling much better tonight.......three days of sleep seem to help relieve a migraine.
     Good night....sleep tight...don't let the price checks bite.

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