Tuesday, September 11, 2018

chaos and procrastination

I eventually get things done

    I don't know when someone said they wanted the curtain tie backs hung.  It may have been a couple of months ago.  Or, since we have been in the house almost 6 years, it could have been longer.
    Today was the day.
    Our bedroom curtains have tie backs.  I had to put four cup holders hooks into the sides of the window trim and then put the tiebacks on.
    Simple, right?
    First I had to buy cup holder hooks.  I bought some, and they looked big.  So I went downstairs and found I did actually have smaller ones.  I could have saved $1.79 by looking first.  But I digress.
     I measured down 30 inches, and made a mark.  But I could not see it, so I had to get my big flashlight.  Then I tried to screw the first hook in.  It would not go.        I could not firmly grasp it and push.  I tried  Vice Grips, but no luck.
     So I went downstairs for my drill, thinking I could drill a little pilot hole.
     Now, I have not used the drill in a few months.  I tried one of the batteries and it seemed to work.
     Back upstairs and drill a hole........but the battery dies.
     So I went back downstairs for the second battery.
     Plug that in and it allows me to drill one, two, three holes....then it dies.
     I went back downstairs for the charger and plugged it in, thinking in half an hour or so it will be charged enough.
     I put on the three tie backs and boss came to inspect the work.  My spacing was not accurate on the top loops, so I had to measure two fingers between spaces.  I also measured with on finger, but she did not like that.
     Since I had to move a dresser to get to the window, I figured no time like now to vacuum underneath it and the bed.  And the nook table.  And the front room rug.
     Finally I got the drill charged enough to put the fourth pilot hole in and insert the cup hook.
    Now the ties are up, in place, and are fairly level.
     And the entire project only took.........93 minutes, four trips up and down the stairs, and a few choice words about cup hooks and tie backs.
    So tonight, I go to bed a tired man, one who has mastered the Herculean task of installing 4 cup hooks.
    Geez, my arms are sore.  I have not screwed that much in a long time!

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