Sunday, September 23, 2018

strolling down a lane

Sometimes a work day for a group is strange

     VCCT, the local theater group, moved its shed to its new building today.
     The shed, a storage rental unit, was a repository and depository for all things theater related.
      Over the years, the amount of stuff has grown.  I don't know what value there is in some of it, but it was moved.  A lot was dumped, but not enough.
     As we carried out stuff, I noticed a few items that jogged my memory.  Like the breastplate for the Valkyrie from a show I directed back in the 1980s!  Prince Brako and the Golden Grotto, I do believe.  I met my good friend Renee in that show, and also saw my first flasher.  Let's just say theater people do not hesitate to change in front of strangers!  (No names will be mentioned.)
     Honestly, that was the only prop or piece of scenery I recognized.
     I've done a lot of many, I can't remember all of them.  But I bet it is near 30 with the ones I have appeared in or directed.  Ok, I only directed a couple because as it turns out, directors are fairly detail oriented and I am not.
     I'm excited for the group, because they have taken on a big project with the end goal of having a theater.  But I am a little apprehensive because it is such a big project.  And maybe a bit envious because they are doing something that I feel should have been attempted years ago.....getting a theater building for a permanent home.
     In any case, it was a day that brought back a lot of memories.   Funny shows with the other Terry, Escanaba, Tuna, all the write our owns, discovering a thong is a bad costume choice, flubbed lines and lots of good times
      Funny what a work day brings out, isn't it?

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