Tuesday, September 4, 2018

busy, busy, busy

Today was one of those days

     I think I hit every area of adulthood as I possibly could today:  friendship, service, caring, work, commitment......I don't know what else is left.
     I am volunteering in a kindergarten class on Tuesday mornings.  The kids are a hoot.   One little one told me in 100 years she'll be six.  It was fun to listen to them try to explain their thoughts.
     After Rotary, I went to Dan and Linda's for a glass of rosé and a visit with Julie from New York.  I love hearing about New York, the city that never sleeps, the economic center of the world, where if you make it there, you make it anywhere.  Home of the Yankees.  Where the Statue of Liberty stands tall to welcome the world's tired, hungry, oppressed, and poor.
     Someday I'm going to New York.  I'll take a carriage ride through Central Park, see a couple of shows, eat NY pizza and complain that Chicago's is better.  I'll eat at a deli, visit Ellis Island, walk around Miss Liberty, visit the WTC 9/11 memorial. Someday.
     But my day was not done!
     I went home, put the mower back together and mowed. 
     Finally, I settled down to watch my favorite baseball team take on the Brewers.  Not everything was pleasant about today after all.
     Hopefully, with the weather going cooler, I'll get in a bike ride or two this week, but I have a lot of paper work to take care of too.  And my W has not been out for three games now.....so tomorrow better bring a win.
     And that, my friends, is my life for Sept. 4.
     Thank you for being part of it.

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