Wednesday, September 19, 2018

elder abuse.....

I am traumatized

     My youngest daughter, my favorite North American one, abused me today.
Under the pretense of "health protection" she gave me a second shingles shot.      Now, try saying that five times quickly.  Let's go...second shingles shot, second shingles shot, second shingles shot,  second shingles shot, second shingles shot....not easy, is it?
     Why a second?  Because the CDC recommends this new vaccine for those of us of a certain age.  And the ads they run showing the damages of shingles scares the hell out of me.
     My arm will hurt for a couple of days....right now it feels like it is falling off.
     I also got a flu shot, but that does not hurt.
     I have this thing about shots.  I hate them.  I get dizzy.  Woozy.  Wobbly. 
     It doesn't even have to be one I am getting.
    There is an ad on tv for people with an eye condition for an injection in the eye that will help them.  Bull shingle shot on that!  Nobody is sticking a needle in my eye under any conditions!  When I see the ad and hear that phrase, my knees go weak with anticipation.
     Jackie also got her shots.  I walked away....far away....because I don't even like hearing the wrapper come off the bandage!
     Please...don't say grow up.  I am 70 and have been afraid of needles for 65 years, ever since getting a polio shot when I was a kid.  It hurt like hell then, they hurt like hell now.
     But I do have a request for some personal advice.
     Do you think the pan advertised on late night tv will actually heat my pizza, fries and mozzarella sticks to the point where they have the textural quality of the original?
     Just wondering if it is worth the $40 price.  I hate soggy pizza.
     Now I am going to bed.  Early, I know.  But the trauma of the second shingles shot has made me tired.
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Don't let the shots be a fright.

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