Saturday, September 15, 2018

I need longer weekends

Two days is not enough

     Example.  Today I was invited to an NIU football game.  I went.  But I missed the Autumn on the Prairie at Nachusa Grasslands.  And I missed the carnival midway at Creston Booster Days, and the car show.  There was also a VCCT work day, I do believe.  If I had done any one of the others, I would have missed all the others!  Make sense?
     Tomorrow could be just as bad.  Booster Parade, or church?  I can't be at both.  And yes, church should be a priority.....
     I still had other stuff do do today.  I mowed the yard, did a load of laundry or two, went to the store,  and now I am sitting here itching like crazy!
     Is it possible to develop an allergy?  Two nights in a row I have had a graham cracker with peanut butter, and two nights in a row I have begun to itch like crazy.
     I will take a Benadryl, but that has to wait because it makes me sleepy.
     Maybe it's coincidence, but since I started fasting from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. I have lost one pound.  But I have also watched portions and tried to avoid sugar, although I had a pop today. 
     Tomorrow, after Creston, I hope to get a long bike ride in......but riding in the heat does bother me.  I don't like it when I sweat a lot.
     I can't think of anything witty or I'm just going to end it here.
     Good night.

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