Wednesday, September 5, 2018

what the heck

Let's talk about writing

     I write a lot.  I do this blog, I do a column twice a month for the local paper, I also work on fiction.
     I finished one book and submitted it to a publisher.  I got an empty envelope back.  Not even a rejection letter, just an empty envelope.  How bad can a book be that they don't even send a rejection letter??
     I have a second book that I have finished.  It is supposed to be a comedy, but I'm not sure if it is funny.
     Why?  Because it is hard to write funny.  I can be funny, act funny, say funny things..... but when I sit down in front of the keyboard, I can't write funny.
     Yes, my blog is funny....but it is short.  Longer works just don't seem to have tickled my funny typing bone.
     Honestly?  I want to write a book that gets published.  Not self published, but published by a company and sold in bookstores and made into a movie that ends up with me getting fistfuls of money.   (Honestly, again?  It's not the money.  It's the ego.)
     But I realize that is a process that takes time.  And time is one thing I can't seem to hold on to these days.
     So, I will keep procrastinating instead of writing....that is one thing I am very good at. 
     And next year at this time I will still be complaining about it.  Or, I'll be a published author.
     In any case, you all will be among the first to hear about it.
     Sleep well.

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