Sunday, September 16, 2018

I love a parade

We went to Booster Days today

     This is an annual festival in tiny Creston, about 6 miles east of Rochelle.  I think the village has about 500 people, but every year they put together a 3 day festival with a carnival, crafts, food, and a parade.
     Creston is bisected by the Union Pacific and today's big topic pre parade was how many trains would interrupt the parade.   I heard 5 from several people.   I think  only two actually came through, but I could be wrong.
     Jackie went.  I wheeled her down the street and we saw some shade in front of a house.  I said, loudly, "Does anyone mind if we share your shade."  People said go ahead.
     About 10 minutes later a group comes up and stops by a lady on the sidewalk.  The conversation went like this:
     "I thought you were saving us some lawn space."
     Older lady sitting on a chair on the sidewalk:  "I tried, but people just came and sat."  She repeated this again a few minutes later.
     I wanted to turn and say, I asked and you did not say anything.  But I didn't.
     After the parade, we went over to he park and I bought pork chops for supper and Jackie bought a cook book.  Lots of desserts in the cookbook, including cream puffs!  Thank you, Debby!!
     I took Jackie home and came back to watch the Creston Regulators play baseball.  The Regulators play by 1860 baseball rules and it is quite a fun sport to watch.
     My friend Dan pitches and today was honored with a plaque and a roadway named in his honor for his years of service to the ball team and community.
     It was a neat reward for him an I am very happy they recognized him.
     I did get in a short bike ride, and a short dog walk and that sums up my day.
     It is well past the time they drew the raffle winners.  My phone has not rung, so I guess I lose again.  Oh well, the lottery is up over $200 million and I always know I am winning that.
     Hope your day was fantastic and your tomorrows are all sunny.

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