Thursday, September 13, 2018

another amazing day

I helped staff the hospitality tent again

     Brief explanation.  The Chicagoland Skydiving Center in Rochelle is hosting a national skydiving tournament.
     There is a hospitality tent.  Rotary members were asked to staff the tent during the competition.
     I went Monday.  I was not excited about going.  One reason, I have a hard time with conversations and strangers.  Heck, I even have trouble keeping a conversation going with people I know.
     A second reason was it was 2 and a half hours. 
     Jackie went with.  She can be much better with people than me.
     I started talking to people who came up for water or a snack.  Just hi, where you from.....small talk.
     I met a woman who quit her job, came to Rochelle, and has jumped 500 times this summer.
     I was having a blast.
     I have now gone three times.  l have talked to people from Brazil.  I had a brief conversation, in French, with two members of a team from France.  I met a skydiver from Bern, Switzerland.  I talked with people worried about family and homes in the Carolinas.  In fact, one guy yesterday was renting a car to drive back because all flights were cancelled.
     Old news, I know.
     Yesterday a young woman came up and got some water and I asked something about skydiving.  Another woman looked at me and said, "Are you kidding?  Do you know who this is?  She is a superstar in the skydiving world.  She is the only woman to win an international championship......"   I was clueless.
     After the second woman left, I started talking to the first one.  She has been diving for 21 years, 18 professionally.  I jokingly asked if she started when she was three, because she looked so young.
     She asked me my name, I told her.  She told me hers.  End of story.
     I told Jackie about it and she said, "You should have gotten a picture of her."
     I went back today and was just kind of looking around when someone called, "Terry."
     And there she was.  I remembered her name, butchered it in pronunciation, and told her my wife wanted a picture.
     So I have it.

     If you want to read about an absolutely incredible person, Google  Eliana Rodriguez.
     I am thrilled to say I know her.
    And to think, I didn't want to be there in the first place.
     Life lesson:  Doors open when you least expect them to.  Take advantage of the openings.  Say hello.

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