Sunday, September 2, 2018


I sometimes run out of topics

     Today it was pointed out that some of my posts are recycled tidbits.
     I was not aware I do that, but I have done so many of these that sometimes I forget.
     How many, you ask?
     I thought at first I would do short, funny bits.  But I sometimes ramble on about my mostly boring life with the occasional trip abroad tossed in for variety.
     Luckily, I am a multi purpose blogger.
     And today, we are going to talk about a news story I did not read about certain types of diabetic medications causing a flesh eating bacterial infection of the genitals!
     As someone who is easily influenced by another person's illness, I did not read the article for fear that every itch, scratch or other discomfort would lead me to believe I have a flesh eating bacterial infection of the genitals.
     So I stopped reading after the word genitals.
     Do you blame me?
     By the way, I don't think I have ever used the word genitals 5 times in a blog before, so this may be a record.  (Got went back to count, didn't you?)
     Some of you are old enough to remember the tv show ER.  In one episode a guy came in with an ax stuck in his head and I got a headache! Seriously, I can't handle medical stuff.
     There....medical news you can use.
     And I can use some sleep.  There is thunder about, which reminds me of a book I once (actually several times) read called My Brother was an Only Child.  Or maybe it was Never Trust a Naked Bus Driver.  Both done by a man named Jack Douglas, if I remember.  He was a writer for Johnny Carson.
     He told of growing up in the foothills of Appalachia and was terrified of storms.  His mother finally told him that thunder was the sound of Rip Van Winkle bowling in the mountains.  That reassured him.
     One day he went to the general store for some supplies and as he was paying, it started thundering.
     The old man behind the counter said to him, "Jack, do you know what that is?"
     Jack answered, "Yes sir, That there be the sound of Rip Van Winkle a bowling in thare hills."
     The old man looked at him and said, "No you damn fool. that's thunder."
     The books always cracked me up.  Wish I still had them.  I could use a few laughs instead of reading headlines.
     Good night, sweet dreams, watch for flash floods.

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