Saturday, September 22, 2018

made it....sort of

I actually rode the whole 32 mile route, sorta

     Anyone who tells you Ogle County is flat is an outright liar, the son of a gun.
     There are plenty of hills.
     I rode the Tour of Scenic Ogle County (TOSOC) and my legs are feeling it.
     I rode with Mike P, who is not vice president, and he was kind to put up with my less than lightning speed pace and my tendency to stop.
     I stop to take pictures, drink water, catch my breath....and in four cases to walk my bike up a hill that was easily ridden by almost everybody else on a bike.
     At one rest area, where the bison roam, I was so perplexed I asked the bike mechanic guy if he had a tire pressure gauge to check my tires.  I thought maybe they were low, causing me to pedal harder.  No gauge, but he felt the tires and said they were fine.  Then he grabbed my legs and said, "I think I found the problem."
     Funny guy.
     It was a great day.  Beautiful weather, amazing snacks at the rest stops, wonderful scenery.
     One problem I do have is the pictures don't do the route justice.  Plus, I am missing several pictures.  I know I took one of Mike at the end, and he took one of me, but the photos are not there.  And they look clouded, so maybe the disc is bad.  Or I have something on the lens.
     Anyway....some pictures of the day.

These are not bison

These are not bison either

Who eats half a muffin??

Same person who ate half a cookie??

Oops.....trouble on the ground

Looks like a hill to me

See the big dip?  That is a hill.

This hill was on a 90 degree angle straight up and was at least 7 miles long.  I think.

Hanging with the bison

These are bison....130 of them, give or take a couple
Oregon Depot museum

Start of the ride...this really neat boardwalk in Oregon

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