Tuesday, September 18, 2018

good morning

Wake up calls sometime come from the innocent

     I volunteer in a kindergarten room on Tuesday mornings.  Mostly I just listen to the kids tell me about stuff, some of which I actually hear and some I only partially understand.
     Today I was sitting next to a little boy and he asked, "Are you a teacher?"
     No, I told him, I am not a teacher although I was one before I retired.  Retired means you don't have to work anymore.
     "Why are you retired?" he asked.
      Because I got old, I told him.
     "How old are you?" he asked.
     70, I told him.
     His eyes grew very wide and his face showed surprise.
    "You're almost dead!" he said.
     I had to laugh.....I just hope he doesn't expect me to die sometime during the school year, because I don't intend to do that!
     I did get in 11 miles on a ride today.  I started, went a mile, and it began to rain.  I waited about 2 hours and the rain had stopped, so I hit the road.
     I don't mind riding in the rain....in fact I spent a couple of days riding in the rain in Holland this summer.
     But I had to then.  I didn't have to today.
     Saturday is my 35 mile bike ride.  In addition to being nervous about completing it, I am not concerned about the weather.  Specifically temperature.  90 Friday?  Not good.
     Here's hoping for a temperature break.
     Now, let's all root, root , root for the Cubbies!!!

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