Sunday, August 26, 2018

what happened??

I had an unreal experience today

     For the past three weeks I have been making an effort to avoid sugar and sugary foods. 
     So, almost  no pop.  No frosted cereal.  No adding sugar to my coffee.  No ultra caramel frappe concoctions from the coffee people.
     No pop is the ultimate aim, but I do have one a week.  That was yesterday.
     And today I stopped at the big name coffee shop in DeKalb and had an ultra  caramel frappe concoction.l
     I took one sip.....and I did not like it!  I have had about 10 of them this summer, usually on my way home from the zoo, and I loved all of them.
     Today?  It was sweet...sickening sweet.
     I think that is a good thing, but how did that happen to me?
     I love chocolate, donuts, cookies, anything that is sweet.  But lately I have hardly had any of those items....except for the German Christmas cookies I have been saving.
     Sugar could be my nickname.  (Or my professional name if I was a stripper.  But I am not.)
     So for me to be turned off by it is kind of strange.
     I just hope I can keep it up and get it off!!!
     And that is my thought for the night.
     Sweet dreams........or in my case, no sugar dreams.

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