Thursday, August 23, 2018

does it show?

I have been cutting down on sugars

    Seriously.  I hardly have any pop, I now drink coffee with cream and no sugar,       I even cut out the ultra caramel frappa-whatever at my favorite not in Rochelle coffee shop.
     And today I had a cold brewed  sugar free French vanilla iced coffee at my favorite in town coffee place and it was pretty good.
     I do snack on four pieces of chocolate a day...two in the afternoon and two at night.  But they are small.
     I expect my stomach to shrink any day now.  Any day.  Any.  Soon.
     I don't look for miracles.  It took me 30 years to build my protruding belly, so it will take at least 10 to get rid of it.  That doesn't leave me much time to be a small bellied man, does it?
     Lately I have gone up to friends in their 30s and tapped them on their bellies while saying, "Don't let that get away from you or else you will look like me.  Get rid of it now, before it's too late."
     Of course, do that to a stranger and it becomes a social media issue.  But my friends just look at me like I am crazy.
     Maybe I am.  But it just may be a lunatic they're lookin' for.
     That's all I got.

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