Tuesday, August 21, 2018

is it still funny?

I mean, my forgetting things

     Maybe I am just not noticing signs. 
     And that is not  figurative.  I went to visit someone in a nursing home/rehab facility and did not read the sign that said "Ring bell before opening door.     Opening door sets off alarm."  And it did.  A loud alarm .  How those old people can sleep through that is beyond me!
     On the way out, I read the sign, did as instructed, and the alarm did not go off, to my relief.
     Kings School has a sign that says press gray button first.  But the gray button is on the bottom.  So I always seem to press the white one, which must echo through the school instead of just the office.
     Oh well.
     Tonight I felt like having hamburgers.  I cooked two on the grill.
     If you know how I cook, you be be assured they were well done.  Mine was actually a bit dry......gotta watch those things better.
     At 9 I went out to cover the grill and found, to my amazement it, was still on!
     I forgot to shut off the grill!
     Usually I turn it off, then turn off the gas but I did neither.
     At around 8 Jackie asked me to put a load of clothes in the washer.  I moved the clothes that were  in the washer to the dryer, loaded the clothes, added the soap and walked away,
     At 9 I went in to check the progress and found out I never started the dryer! 
     Which wasn't so bad, because I never started the washer either!!
     Up until tonight, my day was going great.  I weeded, I rode, I went to my cult gathering.....all was good.
     Then I started watching the Cubs and everything went to hell.
     But now the grill is cool, ready to be covered.
     One load of wash is folded and put away.
     The second load is in its final minutes in the dryer.
     Just in time....this guy is tired.
     Have sweet dreams........ and may the bird of paradise fly up your nose.

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