Monday, August 13, 2018

checkbook time

Jackie is balancing the checkbook

     Jackie.  Not me.
     In fact, I try to not even be in the house when she does this.
     There generally is a list of questions about checks missing from the checkbook and possibly written by me to people who I can't remember for amounts I don't know.
     This calls for her to make a trip to the computer to try to figure out amounts.
     I have a philosophy that is quite different from hers.
     The bank sends a statement.  If it seem right, I am willing to write any checks.  Maybe I am wrong to trust their math over my own, but too many times I have added 3 + 4 and gotten 9.
     At one time she insisted she had to balance to the penny!  It would take her days to find the mistake, but she always did.  I told her just to skip it.  It's a penny.  I would even advocate for not worrying about anything under $10,  but I know that won't fly.
     My mother had a "unique" way of keeping a checkbook.  She rounded everything off to the nearest 10.  So, a check for $24.95 went in the checkbook as $20 while a check for $29.50 went in as $30.
     At the end of each month, she would look at the statements and if she had money, great, if not, well, she figured it out.
     About every 2 years  or so we would close out her checking account, move to a new bank, and start over.
     And when we did that, her balance and the bank's were always pretty close.
     But the problem with that way of operating is eventually you run out of banks.
     Never checks.....always have plenty of them....just banks.
     With that, good night and God bless us everyone.

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