Monday, August 6, 2018

uh help needed

Technology will get me in trouble someday

     We have a car with voice technology.  Ask it to do something and it can.
      I was on my way to serve lunch in the park and the radio was not on Sirius 18, the Beatles channel.
     So I hit the voice activation button and said, "channel 18."
     I understood. You can understand.
     As I was driving, waiting for channel 18, my phone started ringing.  I looked and discovered I was calling 911!
     How the hell "channel 18" turns into 911 is beyond my technological comprehension.
     I panicked and disconnected.
     Seconds later I got a call from the sheriff's department asking if I was all right.
     I assume she meant physically and not mentally.
    I explained what happened, and said several times how sorry I was.  I thought I was being safe using the hands free voice option instead of using the channel select buttons.
     I was told if that happens again, don't hang up.  Stay on the line and explain.
     That I will do.
     I also learn you don't say congratulations to women unless you are 110 percent sure they are expecting.  Oops.
      As a side note.....I had a coffee on the way home last night.  I had a hard time falling asleep. 
     The Twilight Zone was on and I watched an episode called "He's Alive."
     It was filmed on the 60s but had a message that fits so well in today's world.
     If you get a chance, watch it.  It is eerily modern.
     No coffee hopefully I will fall asleep sooner than later.

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