Tuesday, August 14, 2018

ah, sweetness

I had a taste orgasm today

     My friends Dan and Linda were in southern Illinois over the weekend and brought me fresh peaches!
     I had one yesterday, but it seemed a little hard.
     This morning I bit into one and it was heaven!  Sweet, tasty, and the juice just  rolled down my double chins.  Plus they are huge!  (The peaches, not the chins.  Although they are large.)
     My annual quest has been achieved.
     When John and Emily came back from Canada, they stopped at a Michigan farm stand and brought three pints of Michigan cherries.  I finished them one week later.  All three pints.
     I have this thing about peaches.  I don't mind the Georgia ones, or the California ones, or the Colorado ones.........but I just love the Illinois peaches.    And Wisconsin or Michigan cherries.  They are just so much better than ones picked three weeks ago and kept in cold storage until they hit the shelves.
     Maybe it is just me.  Maybe they all taste the same. Maybe I am nuts.
     Some people say I am nuts because I have a fear of high places....like bridges, elevators, tall buildings.  I always think I am the one that causes them to collapse.
     Everyone says not to worry....but yesterday in Italy a bridge did collapse and killed over 20 people.  So maybe my fears are not so irrational after all.
     I burned a little library tonight.  We built them out of the wrong material, and they are falling apart.  So I decided to burn one.
     I think I have several mosquito bites, despite bug spray.
     And I have three circles on my wrist which popped up at some point today.    They itch.  I don't recall touching anything unusual or getting bit.
     Wouldn't it be a kick in the crotch if it is an allergic reaction to ..... peaches?
     Going to wonder all night.  And maybe wander too.
     Hope tomorrow is a great day for all of you.
    Peach and love, dudes and dudettes.  ( Get it?  Peach?.....golly I am a hoot!)

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