Thursday, August 30, 2018

go figure

Sometimes life is a puzzle

     For instance, I can't get distances down.  When I ride my bike, one loop around my subdivision is 2.3 miles. 
     So today, I decided to ride into town. 
     I went partway through my subdivision, then out onto Skare Road, then north to Fowler Road, then east.....and just before I got to Emily and John's street, I hit a mile.  I didn't hit two miles until almost Flagg Center!
     Just seems longer than 2 miles, or one loop around the subdivision.
     Anyway, my round trip from my house to the Cypress House was 13.3 miles.       When I ride the bike path, including the spur, it is almost 12.2 miles.  It just does not seem possible that I am going about the same distance.
     Another example of a puzzle.
     For the past two weeks my left hip has been sore.  I have tried ointments. heating pads, ice......nothing helps.  Two nights ago I could not sleep it was so sore.
     At some point as I was tossing and turning I turned and heard a snap, like when you crack your knuckles.  And the pain was gone!  I have not hurt since!
     In my non medical mind, I must have had a piece of cartilage break off and get stuck in the hip joint. It eventually worked its way free.  True, I am not a doctor, but I have spent nights in a Holiday Inn.
     And finally, why do I get so hungry at about 10?  I am starving!  I just had a yogurt, and that helps.  But I am hungry.
     Something salty...and sweet....and crunchy....and tasty.......
     Or maybe a glass of water instead.
     That would be wiser.......but not as much fun.
    Good night, or good morning.

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