Monday, August 27, 2018

it was hot

Today was not a good weather day

It was so muggy, I had my wallet taken three times!
It was so hot, the grass actually turned over!
It was so hot, flies were ringing my doorbell to come in!
It was so muggy, I had to use a pry bar to free my arm after it became stuck to my side!
It was so hot, birds actually took shelter in the shade my belly provided!
It was so hot, one  politician actually thought he had died and awakened to his afterlife!
It was so hot, fish jumped out of the Rock River already boiled!
It was so hot, I could fry a steak on the sidewalk to go with the egg!
It was so hot, yogis gave up walking on hot coals and walked barefot on baking roads instead!
It was so hot, I saw a tree shed its bark in an attempt to get cool!
It was so hot, I could not think of anything else to write!
Good night!!

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