Thursday, August 2, 2018

feeling groovy

I love the old music

     Like stuff from the 50s and 60s, maybe even the early 70s.
     But I am not a big fan of much music since then.
     No disco, rap, country, or high pitched women singing about anything.
     So count me a little excited about the offerings at the Egyptian Theater in DeKalb this fall.
     I know one friend who will be seeing Home Free there.  But there are several shows for which I might get tickets.  (Notice, I tried hard to not end the sentence with a preposition.)
     Which shows you ask?
    Presley, Perkins, Lewis, and Cash Sept. 8.  Sounds like Million Dollar Quartet, but that was a good show with great music.  Yes, I realize Cash is country...but then it was country, pop music seems to have changed the country I used to like.
     Think Floyd Nov. 2.  Dark Side of the Moon was pretty cool, and this tribute band might do it justice.
     The Simon and Garfunkel Story Nov. 4.  How could you miss this?  I wonder if one of the guys will have frizzled out hair and a lost look on his face.
     Chicago Authority Nov. 10.  Chicago started out Chicago Transit Authority, then morphed  to plain Chicago.  This tribute band will for sure cover Saturday in the Park, Does Anybody Know What Time It Really Is and other great Chicago hits.
     But the BIG attraction......I missed the adventure the first time.....I've seen it on TV..... but I want to experience the big screen, packed theater version of  The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Dates are Aug. 25, Sept. 28, Oct. 26 and Nov. 16.       The August show  starts at 10 while all the other dates are 8.
    So, who is in?
    Any of these shows would be a fun night.
    Check your calendars and let me know.
    And check out the Egyptian's web site for other shows....looks like a good season.
    That's it.  Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

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