Saturday, August 11, 2018

This was a first

I did a first today!

     I had never gone to Lookingglass Theater in downtown Chicago for a show.  but I read a review of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and it sounded neat, so Emily, John and I went.
     Lookingglass is housed in the water works, formally known as the Chicago Avenue Pumping Station,  across from the  water tower.  It has the same stone construction as the tower and was built in 1869, two years before the great fire.
     Lookingglass had been homeless since it's formation and in 2003 moved into the newly renovated space.
     The theater is small, seating about 240 according to Wikipedia.  It did not look like that many could fit in though.  People sit in chairs on raised platforms around three sides of the stage.
     This show featured a part of the stage that was raised or lowered or tilted on several occasions.  There were also some puppets, including a large tentacle of a giant squid, that took everyone by surprise.
     It was a pretty neat show.
     We had reservations for a restaurant at 12:30.  We got there at 1.  Luckily there were tables available and we sat almost immediately.
     Our food got there at about 1:37.......and the show started at 2.
     I have never eaten so fast in my life! None of us had!
     I think it took less than 10 minutes to eat, we got to the theater about 5 to and sat back to watch the show.
     I had a really good burger....but I did not do a great job of tasting it...chew and swallow, chew and swallow.
     I'll have to go back to the restaurant and enjoy the food.
     Here are some pictures of the day

Inside the water works

Where am I???

In Water Tower Place

This guy has a restuarant?  Who knew?? 

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