Friday, August 17, 2018

menu, please

I need to always check the menu before ordering

     I don't seem to learn that lesson.
     Long time ago, Jackie, Julia and I went to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
     It was hot.  We walked a lot.  We were tired.  And hungry.  And thirsty.
     So we sat down at a little outdoor cafe on a street near the tower.
     My first clue should have been  when the waiter came.  He looked like Lurch from Adams Family.
    Each of us ordered a sandwich and a large soda.
     Lurch came out with the drinks, and they were huge.
     An Englishman at the next table said to us:  "Watch your check.  Those are 15 Euros each."
     I laughed, thinking he was joking.
    He was not.
    We paid 45 Euros for three drinks, plus another 16 Euros for two sandwiches.  61 Euros for lunch!
      That night we went to a local restaurant and had salad, a meal, dessert and wine and the bill was less than 50 Euro.
     But I digress.
     Friday night is don't cook at home in our house night.  Usually we have pizza, but tonight I went to the local festival and got two pork chops from the firemen's booth.  They were a bargain at $4.50 each.  And they tasted amazing!
     But I was missing something.  So I found a booth that sold fries and onion rings.
     I ordered one of each.  $13!!  Seriously!!!  I was shocked.
     No, I did not look at the menu for prices.  I could have done without the fries, the first I have had in 3 weeks, especially if I had known the price.
     But Jackie and I enjoyed the dinner anyway. 
     And the girl working the stand was much better looking than Lurch.
     But the fries were not as good at the arch's place.  Not a lot of them either.
Which I guess is ok.
     Now, tomorrow, I can sense a turkey leg in my future.......
     Sweet dreams.

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