Friday, August 3, 2018

always a hoot

Finally saw a Cub win today

     Seems lately every time I go to the game they lose.
     But today, it was a win.
     Fun day, good game.  Lots of great plays, exciting plays, and a couple of home runs by the good guys.
     It's also Lallapalooza weekend in Chicago.
     Which means on the train in.....
     I saw more navels than in the produce section during orange season.
     I saw more bras or bra straps than in a Victoria's Secret catalog.
     I saw more glitter than during a first grade art lesson.
     And it's hard not to stare when you look to your right and come face to face with a diamond in some body's belly button.  Wait...that's not face to face, is it?       Oh well.
     They were loud and excited.  I sort of forgot how it is to be young and ready for a great adventure.
     I just hope they had a lot of fun and all got home safely.
     And on the L we ran into some guys going to the game for a bachelor party.     Sean is getting married in September and one of the guys told us he wanted to come to Wrigley Field to watch the Cubs before he got married. 
     There were 16 guys in the group, all in matching t-shirts that said "man overboard."
     The young guy we were talking to said he had never been to Wrigley before.  In fact, he had never been in Chicago.
     Where were they from?
     California.  Came here for the bachelor party.  All 16 of them.
     They too were loud and excited.  I sort of forgot how it is to be young and ready for a great adventure, again.
     Every day we make memories.
     Have a pleasant sleep. Or good morning.  Choose whatever works for you.

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